The “Numbers in Tune” Project Brings a Unique Perspective on Czech Radio’s Success

30. červen 2021

Czech Radio launches a project titled “Naše čísla hrají” (Numbers in Tune), which, for the first time in the radio history provides the general public with comprehensive figures gauging the success of the radio broadcasting across all distribution channels. 

Offering an overall interpretation of the linear broadcasting listenership as well as on-demand and online audio consumption, it presents Czech Radio in the entire spectrum of its services, i.e. not only as a mass media organisation, but also as a national cultural institution. The project was launched on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of regular radio broadcasting.

“For us, comprehensive data on the listenership, the extent and the use of our services is not only an important feedback, but also a confirmation that we continue delivering on our mission of a media institution that has an irreplaceable news-service, social and cultural role. Moreover, publishing the aggregated as well as detailed data helps us become even more open and transparent with respect to our listeners,” says René Zavoral, Director General of Czech Radio.

The new microsite at brings a number of interesting facts from behind the scenes of Czech Radio. The visitors may learn how many radio plays were prepared during the previous year, how long would it take to listen to all of the episodic reading series, how many listeners regularly tune in to the stations or what is the biggest item in the budget of Czech Radio.

The published figures include data on the reach of the radio broadcasting, the online services and the on-demand content of the stations. The main product of the project are the infographics bringing an overview of the funding and distribution of Czech Radio as well as the wide spectrum of the Radio’s production and charity activities of the Czech Radio Foundation.

Naše čísla hrají... s vámi

About Czech Radio

Czech Radio is a modern institution that, throughout its existence, has always been at the frontier of cultural and technological progress and is a leader in digital broadcasting. It provides information, entertainment and education for listeners of all age and interest groups.

Performing under its banner are the Prague Radio Symphonic Orchestra, the Czech Radio Children’s Choir, the Disman Radio Children’s Ensemble and a number of small music ensembles. The premises of the Vinohradská 12 Gallery regularly host exhibitions of paintings, photographs and graphics.


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