Rules concerning the usage of the Czech Radio logotype

The application of here acquired logotypes is subject to the approval of Marketing Department.


Basic information regarding the usage of the logotypes

Each logotype is available in basic (Z), horizontal (H) and vertical (V) variant. Each variant of logo has also its positive and inverse colourful as well as black and white version. Logotypes are available in curvilinear formats and bitmaps.

For standard purposes the basic (Z) variant of the logo is used. The other variants are derived from it and are meant to be used for specific purposes.

Neither colours nor the form of logotype can be changed.

Both good legibility of the logo and the protective zone defined in the graphic manual have to be secured.

It is forbidden to use the coloured variant of the logotype for black and white printing. Generally it is forbidden to use such applications and graphic methods that are against the rules and methods of typography or disrupt aesthetic perception.

Logotypes available for download

Explanatory notes:

In each zip folder there are subfolders with labels “Z” (basic variant of the logotype), “H” (horizontal variant of the logotype) and “V” (vertical variant of the logotype). Horizontal and vertical variants of the logotype are extreme versions of the logo and should be used only in appropriate situations:

HORIZONTAL LOGO – is used in a format with extremely long width and short height. For example: internet banner, in the heading of the web, outdoor application (boards, banister).

VERTICAL LOGO – is used in case of extremely narrow format. For example: internet banner, vertical advertisement applications (flags, pillars etc.).

Complete list of logotypes of Czech Radio is available here.