Czech Radio´s history
About Czech Radio
The Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) was the first country in continental Europe to begin regular radio broadcasts. The date was 18th May 1923.
The first broadcast was made by a company named Radiojournal from an army tent in the Prague district of Kbely. Radio was developing rapidly and the need for a new building which would be more suitable for radio was growing. In the nineteen-twenties, Czech radio moved to several different places, probably the most unique of which was a regular four-room apartment. It was obvious that this situation had to be solved, and in 1933 a completely new building at Vinohradská street was inaugurated.
Today Czech Radio broadcasts from four nation-wide and four specialized stations and runs a net of regional broadcasting in all regions of the Czech Republic. An integral part of the structure is Radio Prague International which broadcasts in six different languages. The broadcasting is also available via internet and mobile applications.
Czech Radio also organizes several competitions and festival. Spring is devoted to International festival of radio production Prix Bohemia Radio. Concertino Praga is an international competition devoted to young musicians. Together with Concerto Bohemia, it was an incubator for many worldwide known and respected virtuosos.
Part of Czech Radio´s structure is created by the Prague Radio Symphonic Orchestra, Disman Children´s Radio Ensemble, Czech Radio Children´s choir, Brno Radio Orchestra of Folk Instruments and Gustav Brom Radio Big Band. Czech Radio Foundation was established in order to support charity projects, project Firefly being one of them.
More about Czech Radio’s history can be found below.